About Family and Couples Therapy

Couples in crisis or couples hoping to simply enrich their relationships can similarly benefit from therapy. Family therapy stems from the belief that families are systems and when one person within the system is having problems the best way to address the issue is to work with the system rather than just the individual.

Family therapy often centers around creating awareness of dynamics and working on communication. Family therapy helps family members understand and modify the impact they have on all the other members of the family. Even one member changing can have an impact on the entire family. This is often the treatment of choice for children and adolescents. Portland Community Counseling welcomes both traditional and non-traditional families.

Some couples may be interested in a more mindfulness based approach to couples therapy. Other couples may be interested in a more standard approach to therapy. The therapeutic approach will be determined over the course of therapy and be based on what clients feel comfortable and receptive to.


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